Thank you to all of the incredible ME2110 Sponsors! If you are interested in sponsoring ME2110, please reach out to Dr. Amit Jariwala, Director of Design and Innovation in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering. Information regarding sponsorship levels, benefits and engagement models are summarized on this informational flyer. You may also elect to sponsor this course along with additional benefits through the Design Sequence package within the ME Partners Program.
Course information: ME2110 is the second year design / build course in which all students in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech participate. Typically, there are 250-300 students enrolled in the course during the fall or spring semesters and about 100 students during the summer semester. In the course, students learn fundamental techniques for creating, analyzing, synthesizing, and implementing design solutions to open-ended problems through team and individual efforts. They also learn microprocessor technology, state-of-the-art Internet technology, how to safely use machine tools, and how to work in teams to design, build, and participate in a design competition. ME2110 stresses techniques used in industry. Students receive hands-on experience in designing and building a robot using mechatronics, pneumatics and basic mechanics. The class concludes with a competition, where corporate sponsors are invited to interview student teams on their design process and students have their robots compete with other teams. This contest is a good recruitment platform for hiring co-ops/interns.
Corporate engagement: Course sponsorship supports course infrastructure including student equipment and supplies (e.g., pneumatic components, electronic actuators, sensors, machine tools, mechatronics), end-of-term contest items (e.g., materials, supplies, prizes), and other items to support experiential learning activities in the course. Sponsorship levels include: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. These levels, associated benefits and engagement models are summarized on this informational flyer.